In good news (AKA News That I May Be About to Jinx Right Now Simply by Mentioning it) the desk from my last post is set to be delivered today after 7 emails from Target, 2 phone calls TO Target and one strongly worded email to customer service.
In other news, I've been working on some smaller projects for the nursery lately.
I painted an end table and a few wall shelves white we already had around the house white, and I decided to paint a few other found objects some bright colors to liven up the room a bit.
I started with a cheap-o lamp and a little wooden pig that my grandfather made for me when I was a kid (it's supposed to be a bank, but I learned the hard way that there's actually no way to get your money back out).
I was unsure about how the lamp came out at first, but it's grown on me. I thought the color might be too gold before, but now seeing how it fits into the room I think it works.
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